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shawnceNov 17, 11:27 AMWill consider a Mac Pro if it gets 8 cores and they drop the FB-DIMMs. Don't want FB-DIMMs, they have the definite feel of an overcomplicated solution to a problem. FB-DIMM are likely the future... it will truly start to will shine when they make available more channels out of the memory controllers allowing bandwidth to scale and it hides memory specifics from the memory controller allowing advancements in DIMMs to remain compatible with existing systems.
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soulreaver99Nov 23, 04:57 PM
Needed a secondary cheap phone to take with me overseas because the Evo only works in the USA (or where CDMA is available). $60 on Craigslist!
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twoodccMar 6, 10:29 AMthis is the error i get. if you guys cant help at all ill make a new thread :)
not sure just off of that info. what system are you running it on? tell us what you did to get it going
I'm almost there! 50k left to go!
nice! keep it up!
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PaperQueenSep 14, 01:46 PMIncipio is now shipping DermaSHOT cases
Got mine today. Definitely the low profile look I wanted; feels and looks like black suede. Very attactive.
All openings clear the space they need to—camera lens, speaker, earphone jack, etc. The power and volume switches are covered by the usual raised “buttons.” The power button takes a little extra oomph to make work since the case fits a little less snug than the Incase I’m accustomed to from my previous iPod Touch. Not loose enough to be a problem...actually, “loose” overstates it a bit...just not as tight a fit as what I’m used to.
Will work for the time being, until something irresistible comes out.
Here’s what I ordered ( (Incipio Dermashot for iPod Touch 4G)
Definitely think the included stand is a stroke of genius in its simple design (would have loved to have this on a couple of overseas flights the past two years, pre-iPad). Am still pondering the “do I or don’t I” question on a screen protector. Now that it’s glass, simple logic tells me it shouldn’t be necessary unless someone wants to begin scraping diamonds down the face....right?
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generikSep 6, 05:10 PMAh, I misunderstood. Well, it shouldn't be a surprise. At some point even the $599 mini will have a chip faster than yours. That's just the way things go.
There's a good reason apple didn't go Core2 on the would make it too close to the new minitower they'll be announcing soon!
Good thinking! That's the spirit?
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PeteyKohutJul 14, 01:22 AMThe only Mac Pro model that will have Blu-Ray will be the top of the line machine, as was the case when DVD-R was first introduced. If you remember, it was the G4 733 Mhz, right before the Quicksilvers came out. People who buy the top of the line machines rarely care abou the cost.
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lordonuthinApr 28, 07:02 PMcongrats to whiterabbit for 14 million points!
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iJohnHenryMar 20, 10:50 AMI'm not smart enough to know what the right thing to do is in Libya. But it does make me roll my eyes to hear the CNN anchor talk about how Qaddafi is "thumbing his nose at America".
The propoganda machine is cranked-up and running. :rolleyes:
Let's go kill some badguys!
It's "the World", but American media pretend that the U.S. IS the World.
I actually think having troops is better.
Can we count on you to volunteer?
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rezenclowd3Jan 9, 08:50 PMIt was/ is very clean and well cared for. Right now its a 5ft paint job, which is all orig :o I have all 22 years of records which is damn nice. How much did I pay? I'd rather not say, but as a reference, I think one looking for such a clean car in good mechanical condition pay $4-5k for a car with no mods. Blue book for these cars with the mileage they typically have is $2k. I completely overpaid for a stock car, however I wanted a clean/ mechanically excellent car that's ready for competition, so I was willing to pay quite a premium to find EXACTLY what I was looking for.
After owning this for a week and 1 day, I want to now purchase a 325i convertible. I missed a few steals last month :( However all would probably have needed just $3-4k in work to make it another DD.
BTW when quoting, at the max only include 1 pic. It's a pita to scroll through the same pics 2x. Thanks for the compliment though.

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Unggoy MurdererApr 26, 01:17 PMI think Apple deserves to trademark the word App or App Store. When I see App Store, I think Apple. Companies who effectively steal Apples hard work should be made to change their name because I believe Apple did make mainstream use of the word, I had never heard anyone say App before the App store.
How does the rest of the world
haysoos123Apr 13, 02:07 AM+1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.
True, but why try to use iMovie for a quick edit in the first place? It's not really made for you, and its basic workflow is certainly not made for you. You should use what you can use, even for your home movies. Just because FCP is more advanced doesn't mean you can't also use it for very simple things.
Count me as excited for this release. As far as I know, they haven't said they would remove key features, but these updates to 64-bit and core usage enhancements have been overdue. For all you guys claiming it's "not pro" ... have you used it? How do you know that from these few details?
We don't know anything about the Suite offerings, so any bitching on that front is premature. I hope they keep Color and make a great update to Motion. The smoother color controls inside FCP will be a boon for basic things... like you need it to look presentable for cut reviews. Color is great to have around for the integrated post houses and for indies, but we have to remember that FCP is an editing program first and foremost. I will continue to take my bigger projects in for color timing on daVincis with great colorists. But for my lower-budget stuff where that's not in the cards, I hope they throw us a bone.
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mr.suffFeb 22, 03:51 AMWay back in early 2008.
24" 7,1 iMac and a base 1,1 MacBook Air
Right now. Literally just set up the Dell 27"
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AppliedVisualOct 24, 02:44 AMthey have another promo that runs from 10/17 - 1/22/07... i sure hope they dont wait for this to expire... although that is right around MWSF
shortly it is... only 9 more hours
Yeah, the restarted the printer offer last week and it goes through January. The other promo is the .Mac one, also thru January.
The ones I was referring to that expire on 10/24 are the mail-in rebates offered through large retailers like Amazon. They still have to get Apple approval for those rebate programs as Apple sets prices.
Either way, we find out soon enough... Or at least I hope we do.
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applekidSep 1, 12:34 PMMan, if they can fit something better than a ATI Radeon X1600 XT or whatever nVidia equivalent, that would be awesome.
If they do release a 23-inch iMac, I'm wondering if that's big enough for more user upgrades. Processor replacements, adding a PCI or replacing a GPU, etc. I mean, if there's space for it, I would certainly like an all-in-one iMac that has upgradable features that make it almost Mac Pro like. The only damper on the non-Mac Pro desktops and laptops is your upgrade paths are limited.
galstaphJul 13, 10:32 PMimagine the data you could put onto those disks though!
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ThaDogggApr 2, 07:41 PMGreat ad! Glad to see something new from Apple.
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Sean7512Aug 24, 05:50 PMCore 2 Duo processors are drop-in replacements for existing Core Duo processors which power the Mac Mini, MacBook, iMac and MacBook Pro.
This article refers to the Mac Mini, not the iMac...
Just taking a guess that it also includes the iMac, well praying :o
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BenRoethigAug 29, 09:51 AMThey can still update the mini in February or March to be "Leopard ready".
Do you seriously want the Apple is behind/outdated mindset to sink in again?
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BruiserBMay 2, 04:18 PMI guess that's way easier than dragging it to the trash?
ChaunceyRCApr 2, 09:32 PMGreat ad, now on to WWDC!
starnycApr 26, 01:25 PMThe general population never heard the term "App" until Apple released the iPhone.
Nor did the general population ever shop for Apps online until Apple built the App Store.
The abbreviation "App" used in conjunction with "store" to denote an online marketplace in which to buy applications is a unique combination that is not known in generic parlance.
Apple will win this.
mcarnesJul 18, 01:44 AMIf I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.
EarendilNov 27, 04:08 PMSame hear. I just find it interesting that you seem to be ignoring the fact that 1 year ago you were willing to pay an approximately $100 markup for SWOP certification, yet you find it completely reasonable for Apple to essentially be charging $300 for it today? I'm about the biggest fan of Apple of anyone but their prices are out of touch on their 20" displays.
I still am failing to see a counter point.
We both agree that Apple has a higher quality display, that id required by professionals. We both agree that the prices a year ago were a good price, and competative. Now you are making a claim that the competition has lowered their prices (linky?), and that this proves me wrong. I've already stated that my quick searching revealed no such compition in that price point half of what Apple's is, and have put the ball in your court to show me otherwise. Surely if you are making these claims you are aware of a product?
It is not hard to find 20" LCD monitors that cost twice as much as Apple's (Check out NEC's site for example). So I'm failing to see an example of a similarly specced wide LCD to show me exactly how out of whack Apple is. All I hear is "too expensive!" and "100% more!!".
Sure, I'd like them cheaper too, but I'm not going to scream foul without being able to back it up with something.
MultimediaSep 8, 09:28 PMNumber of posts in this thread seem to indicate that this update has been underwhelmingWhen it goes C2D that will be a bigger deal. But it's still hard to get exceted about a Mac with this little power costing even $599 w/o a Superdrive. Seems like the 17" iMac @ $899 academic is a mini killer to me. At least that way you have the potential of two screens.
If the mini had two DVI ports that would make it much more attractive. It's the only Mac that can't run two screens.