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dorramide7Oct 17, 11:48 PMI don't know of anyone having a problem with the new iphone! I know that it is possible to make the reception problem happen, but I could also "make" reception problems happen on every cell phone I've ever owned.
Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!
Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...
skinniezinhoNov 27, 11:30 AMI can get it for $65 from Swatch. I'm not sure where else I can buy it in the US. I like it, but I'm not sure how good it looks in person. I'm not sure if I am a fan of those glow in the dark hands either.
It looks better in person than in pics..the size is just "perfect" at least for me...
Astro7xApr 26, 02:40 PMWirelessly posted (Iphone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
How can it be generic if no one had one before apple created there's? Suddenly everyone calls their market place an app store. There've been digital stores for years, and none were app stores.
Exactly. While "App Store" is a great term, I'm convinced that if Apple originally called it an "App Shop" that the Microsofts and Amazons would complain about that being a generic term too and want to use it.
enthusiast mrmetoo has two here The+world+is+yours+tattoo+scarface Warcraft tattoos gallery, world isdeveloped have and take a for Pagethe world ofthe
ChundlesAug 7, 05:00 AMYou have a point, but it's already 7:40 pm on Monday here so your work day would already be done. Plus I'm in Australia so how much can I really complain?
On a side note:
Maybe some Aussies can help me understand the price difference of computers here. Back home I bought the 17" MacBook Pro for something like $3,300 AUD and I come over here and it's in the $4,500 AUD range. I did get the student discount back home, but that's a huge margin.
Hmmm, location still didn't change.
US Store, 17" MBP (no taxes): AUD$3655
AU Store, 17" MBP (no GST): AUD$3999
CAN Store, 17" MBP (no taxes): AUD$3591
You have to add sales tax to the US and Canadian prices as they are not only aren't displayed in the price but the taxes differ from state to state/province to province. Aussie GST is quoted in the price and is that same across the country so a 17" MBP costs exactly the same in every state.
The difference is about $400 which is pretty big but we're not a big market, thus selling to us costs more as the size of the market can't make up for the increased cost of getting the products to us.
We also make more money, I remember a while ago doing a comparison between a waiter on Aussie award wages and US minimum wage in the purchase of an iBook. The US waiter would have to work ~2x as many hours as the aussie waiter to afford an iBook at our respective online Apple Stores.
the world is yours statue
SciFrogDec 1, 09:05 PMThanks and I'll be expecting you to blow past me then, in about a month :rolleyes: or so...
Well, I won't get back the #7 spot from you ;) unless these 12 cores Gulftown Mac pros come out at MWSF...

the world is yours statue.
andrew.gwApr 5, 05:23 PMAll together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)
Snow Leopard feels like Windows XP to me, now. All the little UI enhancements really add�up.
World Is Yours Tattoo. world
darknytOct 12, 02:41 PMDoes anybody have any idea when Switcheasy will release something for the 4G?
They sent me an email reply to that very question that basically said screw off, we don't announce, we release.

solvsJan 2, 03:00 AMI'm hoping they release a mini laptop. That's the only thing I really care about. Which means they probably won't.
I try not to expect too much so I'm not disappointed.
the world is yours scarface
cubeMar 24, 02:44 PMUhh, no bro. The CPU and GPU are two separate things, and Sandy Bridge smokes Fusion on the CPU side. If you want to argue OpenCL for all of the zero current day applications it currently has then be my guest and do so. Fusion is DX11? Wow, more vaporware that rarely gets added in modern games due to wanting to be backwards compatible, how exciting!
Once again, run Sandy Bridge and a discrete GPU if you are really looking for performance. There's your OpenCL and DX11 support that you need so badly. It will smoke anything AMD has to offer.
OpenCL are COMPUTE tasks. If you can't do them on the GPU, you would need a HUGELY powerful CPU. That's why having true OpenCL means you have a better "CPU".
In one or two months after Bobcat Fusion was introduced there are already 50 Fusion-oriented Windows apps.
I'm not taking about DirectX 11 concerning games, but concerning OpenCL.
the world is yours
anjinhaMar 22, 11:29 PMI don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy. I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.
They didn't choose to be gay. They either were bisexual and simply chose to date people from the same sex or they were previously in the closet an eventually came out.
Sexuality is about who you're attracted to, not necessarily who you date/have sex with. You can choose who to date/have sex with but not who you're attracted to. Some men live "straight lifestyles" while being attracted to other men. That means they're in the closet, not that they chose to be straight.
There are a lot of people who are born gay. There are also people who were born as bisexuals and then made a choice to either be strait or gay, which probably was the case for your friend.
No, they're still bisexual, they simply choose to date people of the same sex.
MultimediaSep 6, 09:18 AMIt may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060516092750.shtml) which is actually on May 16th.I do not consider a minor speed bump to be a refresh.
macnewsJul 20, 02:33 AM*Most critical applications will be converted by September*
I found this to be most interesting. I think we could actually see some Adobe apps by Septemeber. Adobe has been going on an 18-24 month cycle and based when CS2 was released Sept/Oct would be 18 months and 24 would be April when Adobe has said basically "no later than".
Maimon MonsNov 28, 12:02 PM...here is a link (http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/11631/) to the CNN review of the zune. I wouldn't be surprised if they were payed by Apple given how it ends.
For what it's worth, the first zune on the amazon.com list shows up at #21 at the moment. Out of the top 10, 8 are ipods and the other 2 are sandisk models. Zune is beaten out by the 80 GB ipod in addition to the cheaper models.
lpmusixOct 24, 01:40 AMWednesday makes a lot more sense.
Why would Wenesday make more sense?
the world is yours tattoo
calcvitaMay 3, 03:46 AMapple needs to do something about this whole uninstallation process. apps like appcleaner exist and they do exist for a very good reason. if i uninstall an app, i want it to completely be gone.
and what if you have a corrupted .plist file which causes the application to misbehave? by simply drag & drop the app into the trashcan leaves its associated files untouched and re-installing the app won't fix the problem.
on many troubleshooting guides a very common suggestion is to remove the preference file, located in the user (in most cases) library folder, but in lion this folder is hidden and if you ask me, this will confuse newbies even more. i'm sure there will be comments like "but i don't have a library folder" and so on.
Yours, the his idea
alecthekingMar 25, 03:42 PMCan the new GPU even do 1080p?
No, the whole article was a written lie. You obviously didn't watch the video either.
scarface statue,the world
innominato5090Mar 31, 04:27 AMTalking about new "features": have you noticed the Fuji wallpaper is different?
The new one has clouds at the base...
can you upload that, please :)
the world is yours tattoo
cloudnineNov 27, 01:42 PMThis may pave the way to larger wide-screens.
I would love to see a 40" widescreen.
Because a 30" cinema display is too small? Because you want to consolidate your TV and computer displays? :confused:
historical record, The
MacinDocSep 5, 12:12 AMWould something in this realm be feasible for the mini updates? Just wondering while waiting for updates. Of course this is very vague on my part.
$499: Core solo - 1.5
$599: Core duo Yonah - 1.66
$699: Core duo Yonah - 1.83
$799: Core 2 duo Merom - low end (Not sure what that is)
Won't happen, all Core Solos are now the same price as the 1.66 GHz Core2 Duo. So, the Solo is dead. And, regrettably, a price drop is unlikely.
EvangelionSep 1, 12:21 PMi don't think this rumor will come out to be true because this might take a lot of people from getting Mac Pro
so what?*What makes you think that Apple would be earning any less by selling 23" iMacs than Mac Pro's?*It doesn't really matter to Apple that do they earn X million dollars selling Mac Pro's or iMacs, as lomg as they do earn money.
As to this being a home-theater setup... sorry, not gonna fly. While 23" is a big size for a monitor, it's still a lot less than the 32 - 42" televisions people have.
phungyJan 3, 08:31 PMFound a coupon code if anyone wants to go to Macworld.
1. Go to the Macworld website and click "Register Today"
2. Enter coupon code digg
3. You can get the 4 day exhibit hall pass for free.
RebootDApr 12, 10:01 PMWell they just announced it's on the App Store and in June. Only $299!
babyjNov 29, 06:11 PMWhilst I'm not Microsofts biggest fan, their Media Centre is pretty good, actually its a lot more than pretty good - even I'm tempted. Once you've got Media Centre running on your PC, you can hook up a �200 Xbox 360 to access all the content (music, video, digital tv etc). The PVR side of Media Centre is excellent as well.
If the iTV is going to cost �100, it will need to do something pretty special to be a success - everything that Microsoft offerings can do at the very least.
skunkMar 20, 07:29 AMI actually think having troops is better. It is specifically outside the UN resolution to put troops on the ground.